
Content Management System (CMS) Overview

Content Management System (CMS) Overview

jWebSolution services is offering Joomla CMS as the basis for your web site presence. CMS is a cost-effective means for individuals and businesses

to publish information and enhance group formation and collaboration using web technologies. CMS allows multiple levels of web site content editing, with both front-end and back-end accessibility, depending on the user's permission level. CMS also allows for visitor and member submission of content.

Collaborative Authoring
Enable your web publishing team to work together efficiently and effectively. By assigning key individuals varying levels of access authority, specific team members can be given authority to submit news articles, edit, and publish content.

Publishing Agility
By assigning various members with publish authority, business/team members can be given various levels of publishing and editing authority to review, edit, and publish business news and content. This allows for making rapid changes to your website content more efficient.
Rapid Web Development
Quickly build a large website with minimal development efforts.

Reduced Costs
Reduce the total cost of operating and maintaining your website.

Simplified Publishing
Reduce the complexity for content publishers throughout the publishing process. CMS scales with the growth of a web community's success and peak traffic.

CMS also allows for multiple levels of functionality. You can review CMS Features and Capabilities to review base and expandable functions.

Effective Content Management System solutions will reduce your company's operating costs and enhance customer service. In addition, your sites will always be up-to-date that will help you gain leadership with your Internet presence and the prosperity of your business. With jWebSolution, businesses control not only the current web site's content, but also have a tool to implement their own ideas. They will manage navigation, web site structure, dynamic elements, tables and web-forms. These tools help you easily create pages on the web site in the way you want and place them on line in real-time without specialists' help. jWebSolution is also available to assist in updating your site on an ongoing basis as well as providing assistance with formating of key content area.

Please contact us for further information in setting up your web presence.

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Welcome to jWebSolution!

Welcome to jWebSolution!


Welcome to jWebSolution. Our purpose is to provide full web design and development support to those seeking a Content Management Systems (CMS) using both Joomla! and WordPress.  jWebSolution also provides eCommerce business solutions.  We also provide a static HTML based web page solution.