
CMS Advantages

CMS Advantages

CMS provides Full Control over structure, content and design of your website.

No programming knowledge is required while using jWebSolution implemented content management system, now you can stop spending money and effort on IT personnel. Take an extensive control over your site! jWebSolution also offers a 6 month servicing agreement to assist you during the start-up period.

Easy update with a complete range of content editing tools. WYSIWYG Editor allows you to see what a web-page will look like and how everything will align. The Editor has an MS Word-like interface with standard tools for formatting text and tables. The standard WYSIWYG editor also offers image management. There are also advanced WYSIWYG editors avaiable which offer image upload, directory creation, and much more.

jWebSolution package offerings allow you to implement the content management system solution you need at the moment. jWebSolution can provide and install may plug-ins which will enhance the CMS capabilities. Please visit CMS Features and Capabilities for a list of base package features, and an extended list of available add-ons we can implement for your business. You can start with the base system and add capability as your business and needs grow.

Nobody wants an outdated boring-looking website that gives little options to visitors and users. Now you can build the image your company deserves. Create or upload as many design templates as you wish to a site and manage them to make your web-pages diverse. jWebSolution provides a full separation of content and presentation due to CSS (cascading style sheets) and templates management. Should you need custom template preparation or business logo creation, jWebSolution is here to meet your business' needs.

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Welcome to jWebSolution. Our purpose is to provide full web design and development support to those seeking a Content Management Systems (CMS) using both Joomla! and WordPress.  jWebSolution also provides eCommerce business solutions.  We also provide a static HTML based web page solution.